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Sales Representative for UTAH, Oregon, Idaho and Western Wyoming:

Kim Paul

Monday, January 31, 2011

Advocates School Libraries Push State Funding


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flammable film forces evacuation of downtown library - ksl.com

Flammable film forces evacuation of downtown library - ksl.com

Friday, January 14, 2011

Book reviews from Addy 3rd Grade Reader

Stink: Super / Stinky Sneakers
I liked it.  He put salt n pepper in boiling hot water and it turned out to be stinky.  He went to school and everybody ran away from him and he almost won contrest but his friend did and that was it.

Super Stinky / Guinea Pig Express
I liked it when the Guinea pigs came and jumped in the car and started driving it. And he asked his mom if he could keep a couple she said no, dad said yes .  There was a happy ending when he got to keep some and they had babies and they sold some.

 Amelia Rules/ Other Side

She wanted to be perfect. I like it.  It was fun to read she learns karate.

Wendy's Weather Watchers/ Sno-vember

They all became friends at school.  Dad made a snow machine and then took it to school and let it snow for snowman contest who could make biggest one.  They made a snow machine in the garage.  The dads son turned it on in the garage and it started snowing!  It was easy to read.  Super fun wasn't boring.

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