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Books Galore Inc. We do it all! How are we different from all the other book vendors?

We are a major distributor that will come to your library to show you samples. AND offer free shipping and processing on orders of 25+ books.

We match all publisher discounts and prizes.

We will match or beat any publishers or distributors prices.

For more information about Books Galore please go to our website at www.booksgaloreinc.com

Sales Representative for UTAH, Oregon, Idaho and Western Wyoming:

Kim Paul

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ways to boost your immune system and reduce duration of a cold!

The flu season is still here!  A lot of you are still getting this flu bug so I want to share some things I've learned with you about how to keep you healthier and strengthen your immune system.

Helps boost the immune system, helps your digestive tract (helps with ulcers and acid reflux).  Good sources are yogurt, Greek yogurt is low in fat and a good source. Kefir, stronger type of probiotic.  Helps to prevent cancer cells from growing and spreading.  Miso Soup, sauerkraut  (this has anti cancer properties also) one cup has 60% of your Vit C per day.  Kim Chi: Show to prevent hardening arteries., Probiotics come in pills as well.  Look for one that has 5Billion Organisms.  Make sure you keep them refrigerated.  They have live bacteria and when exposed to heat they start to die off.

Garlic: Lowers cholesterol, acts as a natural antibiotic, cancer-preventative chemicals, relieves chronic bronchitis, Acts as an expectorant and decongestant.  Helps prevent candidiasis.

Echinacea and Goldenseal:  Taken in combination, are the top cold and flu fighters among medicinal herbal supplements.  Increases levels of immune system chemicals that kill bacteria and viruses.  Speeds up destruction of bacteria and viruses by enhancing the activity of cells called phagocytes.    Goldenseal stimulates white blood cell activity and contains antiviral and antibacterial compounds, chiefly berberine.  Reduces inflammation and mucus production.  breaks up nasal and chest congestion and also reduces the swelling of mucous membranes.  When symptoms strike take 300 mg of each of these herbs every 2-4 hrs for the first 2-3 days.  Continue with the same dosage of each 3 x a day until symptoms disappear.

Drink your lemons. Lemon is the ideal food for restoring acid-alkali balance. Drinking freshly squeezed lemon juice in water, or adding it to tea, salad dressings (in place of vinegar), baking or cooking, helps maintain the body's internal "climate" at a pH which supports healthy bacteria instead of the viruses and harmful bacteria which thrive in more acidic environments. Apple cider vinegar is another great way to improve your body's alkalinity, but the taste of lemons is much more pleasant!
Read more at Search Amazon.com for Boost Immune Health

diet high in fruits and vegetables: Has many of the phytonutrient critical to enhance immunity as well as many of the important vitamins and minerals. A steady and balanced intake of essential vitamins and mineral helps to keep our immune systems working properly by providing us protection from infections and disease. Fish, poultry, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, cereals and legumes (peas, lentils, beans) are all good sources of minerals. Foods such as cheese, eggs or liver, which supply vitamin A, and spinach, sweet potatoes or carrots, which are good sources of beta carotene, should also be eaten dail

Exercise:  A regular exercise program of low-to-high intensity workout for 25-30 most days of the week is recommended to build a strong immune system. We all know how invigorated and strong we feel when we're in shape. Overall fitness creates reserve capacity that not only serves as a buffer against disease but also helps us recover more quickly.

Rest:   Body needs rest from the stress and strain of daily life to get recharged. We depend on adequate restful sleep to restore our bodies and refresh our minds. During deep sleep, our bodies release potent immune-enhancing substances that strengthen immune function. It is especially important to get additional rest when we are ill. Women generally tend to ignore this aspect of good health due to heavy demands placed upon them both at place of work and at home. The result becomes obvious through signs of extreme exhaustion, irritability, panic and tantrum

If you have a cold:

Vitamin A:  15000 IU Daily  helps the inflamed mucous membranes and strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin C:  5000 daily in divided doses.  Destroys the cold virus.

Zinc Lozenges:   1 under the tongue every 3 hrs during the first 3 days. then drop to 1 every 4 hours for 1 week.  Keep these tablets on hand and use at the first sign of a cold.

Mucinex D:  I take one in the morning and one at night to help break up mucous.

Garlic lozenges listed already, Steam inhalation, acupressure on sinus points, if throat is irritated Gargle with Sea Salt. 

Get plenty of rest!!

Drinks lots of water:

6-8 glasses of water per day. Body fluids, made up mostly of water, bring to each system all the ingredients and carry away the body’s waste in form of urine. Water is also necessary for many chemical reactions in the body. It can act as a lubricant around joints and protect sensitive tissues and organs, including the spinal cord, eyes, and the amniotic sac in pregnancy from shock. It is absolutely essential to stay well hydrated throughout the day.

The stress factor: There is a strong data that documents the impact of stress on immunity and susceptibility to illness. A report of 276 volunteers exposed to a common cold virus showed that those who had been under stress for more than a month were most likely to get sick. In another study, children with a history of stress and recurrent colds were found to have lower localized immunity. Stress has also been found to stimulate immune-suppressing chemicals such as adrenaline. Fortunately, research has found that stress reducers such as meditation, relaxation, guided imagery, and hypnosis can effectively enhance immunity.


 Protein-rich foods
 Citrus fruits for vitamin C
 Vegetable oils for vitamin E
 Spinach, sweet potatoes and carrots which supply beta carotene


 Animal fats, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and
 Highly processed carbohydrates.

A great link used for some of the references in this article: 
 If any of you know any other helpful tips please comment!  Thanks!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Utah Gets 13.4 M Broadband Stimulus Grant

February 22, 2010 at 11:23 AM by Esme Vos

The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) approved a $13.4 million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) investment to allow the University of Utah to enhance and expand the Utah Education Network (UEN), which currently provides Internet service to more than 300 schools and other community anchor institutions. This project will extend fiber-based Ethernet broadband services to 130 additional elementary schools, public libraries, charter schools, and Head Start centers across the state, including a Head Start center that serves the Ute Indian Reservation. This project will significantly increase the speed and capacity of the Internet connections used at these locations by children, students, and teachers.
“In today’s society, if you don’t have regular access to high-speed Internet, you don’t have access to all the educational and employment opportunities it provides. Fast, reliable Internet connections can help Americans gain job training and skills, open doors for small businesses, and give students the opportunity to explore vast libraries and archives from their local school or library,” said Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator Lawrence E. Strickling. “Projects like the grant announced today are laying the foundation for strong, sustainable economic growth for years to come.”
NTIA’s Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP), funded by the Recovery Act, provides grants to support the deployment of broadband infrastructure, enhance and expand public computer centers, and encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service.
NTIA received more than 1,800 applications proposing projects totaling nearly $19 billion during the first BTOP funding round and is currently awarding grants on a rolling basis. Including the grant announced today, NTIA has now awarded 31 grants totaling more than $610 million under the program. In addition, NTIA has awarded $97 million in mapping and planning grants to 51 states and territories. NTIA is currently accepting BTOP applications through March 15, 2010 for a second round of funding.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

10 tips to: Save Money in this Economy

I support my family and have to cut my budget down to the bare minimum. 
So here's what I do that helps me save money. 
I hope it helps you to.

  1. www.hulu.com offers free TV viewing.  You can find ways to plug your computer into your TV and receive FREE TV!  You can also watch newly released movies that are still in the theaters at www.quicksilverscreen.com.  I saved 70.00 a month by turning off my Direct TV.
  2. Turning off your home phone and using unlimited cell phone plans!!  TMobile offers an unlimited talk plan with no contract for 49.99 a month.  Boost Mobile has the unlimited text, phone and internet.  I had no luck with the Samsung phone they gave me though.  It was a mess so I switched to TMobile.  And of course Cricket Unlimited Plans.
  3. Energy Efficient homes.  Cover your windows with plastic you can buy at Home Depot to prevent the cold air from coming in.  Unplug appliances your not using.   Even if their not on I hear they still use electricity.  Turn everything off before you leave house.  
  4. Shop at www.KSL.com or www.craigslist.org  for items that can be bought used.  A lot of times you can get new items there that someone doesn't need.  
  5. Buy a Entertainment Book!!  www.entertainment.com  This has helped me save tons of money.  I use the coupons everywhere!!  You can get 50% off Hotels and theres a free no buy anything Carls Jr. coupon right in front.  I love it.
  6. Amazing Insider Secrets: 1703 Money Saving Tips  This book is really helpful for saving money.
  7. Get a fuel efficient car.  This one you use for all your here and there trips.  Hybrids are great and very expensive.  A good alternative is a Geo.  
  8. When you know its gift time for someone you love.  Make them something.  A nice photo doesn't cost much.  I pick up frames at garage sales and keep them stored in my garage for when I need a nice frame for pictures.  
  9. Have a garage sale.  Nothing feels better than cleaning out clutter in your house!  What doesn't sell you can put on KSL or give to charity and get a tax deduction.
  10. Plan out your meals.  This saves ton of groceries.  You can use online sites to print grocery coupons also.  I'm not to savvy on this but I do know they offer classes on this subject so if your interested watch for them!  Good Luck!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

USDA Funding for Rural Libraries

USDA Funding for Rural Libraries
United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Housing and Community Facilities Program - Designated Funding for Public Libraries

This American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funding for Rural Libraries is a grant and/or loan opportunity for libraries serving communities of 20,000 and less. The Secretary of Agriculture has designated $100 million of USDA’s Community Facilities funds for public libraries. The stimulus funding will help give rural communities the opportunity to improve their library facilities, enhance educational opportunities, and improve economic conditions in America’s rural communities.

Loans and grants are available to public entities such as municipalities, counties, and special-purpose districts, as well as non-profit corporations and tribal governments. Applicants must have the legal authority necessary for construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed facility. They must also be financially sound and able to organize and manage the facility effectively.

Funds may be used to construct, enlarge, or improve public libraries. This can include costs to acquire land needed for a facility, pay necessary professional fees, and purchase equipment required for a facility’s operation. Funds can be used to purchase shelving, furniture, computers, audio-visual equipment, distance learning equipment, and bookmobiles. A loan may be made in combination with other Community Facilities financial assistance such as a grant, applicant contributions, or loans and grants from other sources.

Applications are handled by USDA Rural Development field offices. Rural Development staff will be glad to discuss a community’s needs and the services available from USDA. Field staff can provide application materials and current program information, and assist in the preparation of an application. You may also visit their website at 

Interested applicants and lenders may also contact the Housing and Community Programs National Office staff at the following address:
USDA Rural Development, Community Programs Division, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-0700 Phone: (202) 720-1490; Fax: (202) 690-0471

There is also a fact sheet available at: 

Information found on http://librarygrants.blogspot.com/

Friday, February 19, 2010

Best Books is happy to serve Librarians and Media Consultants!

Best Books is a distributor of fiction and non-fiction library books form pre-K level to College Level.

When you request an appointment with our library consultants we bring sample books directly to you.

You will see the quality and various reading levels before making a decision to purchase. This saves you time and money!

We then type a written proposal for you based on your choices for you to review and edit if you choose in an excel format.

After we receive your PO (Purchase Order) your books will be shipped at NO COST on orders over 350.00.

We also offer Free Shelf Ready Processing on orders over 350.00 and discounts on Accelerated Reader Quizzes!

Our bindings are Guaranteed for Life and your satisfaction is Guaranteed!

We have a HIGH fill rate of 98%. We offer Personalized customer service to serve you and save you time.
Best of all you get the same price as buying direct from the publisher. 30% off Library discounts!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

THE PERFECT EXCUSE! or Why my book has not been returned to the library!

... cuz I left it in my truck and my truck was in an accident and got towed to the garage and I won't be able to get to the garage in Abbotsford until this weekend.
... my mother took it camping and lost it.
... I didn't take it out!
... cuz my cat peed on it and it smells too bad.
... it flew out the car window on the 401 Freeway and was devoured by an 18 wheeler!

Do you guys have any stories that you'd like to share?  I'd love to hear them!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fun Prizes and Giveaways!

ABDO publishing group is going to give away one free book a month for the next 5 months the first person who guesses the answer to the Riddle we put on our blog.

This month we are promoting our state books. You will receive a state book of your choice if you are the first person to solve this riddle.

For some I go fast
for others I'm slow.
To most people, I'm an obsession
relying on me is a well practiced lesson.

What am I?

Congratulations Anita Mortimer at Eagle Bay Elementary! You guessed the right answer which was Time! Stay tuned for the next giveaway!
Another clever answer I received was School Librarian... I love it!! Thanks Diane Combe!


Friday, February 5, 2010

Fairy Tales!


I heard a rumor that some of the schools were looking for great Fairy Tale Stories. So I put together a list below of fairy tales with links to view the books for you to think about. Please call me to assist you in getting an order together for these.

I hope this was helpful!! When your ready to make your order please let me know so I can help you get all your discounts you deserve!
Please give me any feedback you may have or if there's another subject your looking for let me know and I'll research it for you.

Thanks so much!
Kim Paul

Fiona and Friends
Airy Fairy
Fairy Realm
Short Tales Fairy Tales
ABDO BOOK LINKS / Great Resource Website


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Internet Shopping

I've been told by some librarians that internet shopping is their preference. I really wanted to understand this so I went shopping on the internet to see how my system compares to the internet. I noticed a couple things. One is that the internet doesn't guarantee their books after you buy them but more importantly they don't offer the library discounts we do. Another huge factor was you don't get to feel the quality and look through the books before buying them. I may not have Every book you want to see when I come visit you, but usually I have enough that you are pleased with your selections when it comes to your school. I find also that if you let me know what your looking for I look through every resource I know of to find the books your looking for which AGAIN save you time. I then TYPE your proposal which AGAIN saves you time. So when its all said and done I feel this should hopefully save you time and money working with Best Books.